The Sudbury Valley Junior Tennis League was formed in 1968 by Warren Kindred. His intent for the league was to introduce both boys and girls (ages 6 and up) to the sport of tennis, by developing their skills thru team tennis by having matches between clubs. As the boys and girls get to middle school age, the hope is that they enjoy tennis enough that they will become members of the USTA and play USTA matches. This will help to gain experience and become more mentally tough thus preparing them for High School and a lifetime of playing tennis. With Warren the SVJTL started with just 4 clubs and with his hard work the number of clubs increased in the following years. Currently, the SVJTL has 16 clubs and some of the clubs have more than one boys and girls team.
In 1994, after running the League for 26 years, Warren decided it was time to retire and to find a new Director. In 1994 Nancy Mills took over the SVJTL and is the current the Director. One of the reasons she was a good choice was because she had the same passion for tennis that Warren had and her daughter had just joined the League.
The SVJTL is a summer program. It runs for 6 weeks with two days a week practice and two matches per week, culminating with Championship matches between divisions and trophies for the winning club.